Emergency Tooth Extraction In London: 5 Causes

It's no secret that dental emergencies can be incredibly painful and inconvenient. In most cases, the best course of action is to seek emergency dental care. However, before you go through with any kind of treatment in London, it's important to understand the source of your pain. People may need to have a tooth extracted for a variety of reasons, including infection, decay, or trauma. In some cases, an emergency tooth extraction may be the only way to save your smile.

Emergency Tooth Extraction

An emergency tooth extraction is a dental procedure that is performed to remove a tooth that is damaged or infected. The tooth may need to be extracted if it cannot be saved through other means, such as root canal therapy or a crown. An emergency tooth extraction may also be necessary if the tooth has caused extensive damage to the surrounding tissues. And, in some cases, an emergency tooth extraction may be performed to prepare the mouth for dental implants or other dental procedures.

If you're planning to get an emergency tooth extraction in London, be sure to choose a reputable dentist who has experience with this type of procedure. You should also ask about the risks and complications associated with the procedure.

5 Most Common Causes

There are a number of reasons why someone might need an emergency tooth extraction. The five most common causes are the following.

Dental Abscess

This is a pus-filled pocket that develops in the teeth or gums. It can be extremely painful and may require antibiotics to clear up.

Fractured Tooth

When a tooth is cracked or broken, it can often lead to infection and pain. In some cases, the tooth may have to be extracted if it can't be repaired.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth often cause problems because they are such a tight fit in the jaw. They can become infected or impacted, leading to pain and swelling. In some cases, they may have to be extracted.

Serious Infection

If an infection spreads throughout the body, it can sometimes affect the teeth. This may require emergency treatment and extraction if the teeth are badly damaged.

Severe Gum Disease

Gum disease can cause inflammation and bleeding in the gums. If it gets bad enough, teeth may have to be extracted to prevent further damage.

If you are experiencing any of these problems, it's important to see a dentist right away. Emergency tooth extraction can often be done quickly and safely to relieve pain and prevent further damage.

How To Prevent

One of the best ways to prevent an emergency tooth extraction is by taking good care of your teeth. This means brushing and flossing regularly, eating a healthy diet, and seeing your dentist for checkups and routine cleanings.

If you do experience a dental emergency, however, it's important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Delaying treatment can lead to further damage and increase the chances of needing an emergency tooth extraction.

To reduce your risk of needing an emergency tooth extraction, the following are some tips that you can follow.

  1. See your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.
  2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day.
  3. Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  4. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks.
  5. If you have a dental emergency, seek treatment as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about emergency tooth extractions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact a reputable and professional dental clinic like Emergency Dentist - Dental Clinic and Implant Centre of London.

What To Do

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, there are a few things you can do to make the situation more manageable. If you are experiencing pain, try to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help dull the sensation. You can also rinse your mouth with warm water to help reduce inflammation. If you are having trouble breathing or swallowing, go to the nearest hospital or emergency room. Finally, if you have a tooth that has been knocked out, try to put it back in place and hold it in place with a clean cloth or towel. If you are unable to do so, put the tooth in a cup of milk and go to a professional dentist like the ones from Emergency Dentist - Dental Clinic and Implant Centre as soon as possible.

The Cost

Emergency tooth extractions in London can cost anywhere from £100-£400, depending on the severity of the situation. If the tooth has become severely infected, is abscessed, or is impacted, the cost will be at the higher end of the range. In most cases, however, an emergency tooth extraction will cost between £200 and £300.

Contact Emergency Dentist - Dental Clinic and Implant Centre In London

Emergency tooth extraction is a common dental procedure that can be caused by a number of different things. And, while it is often the last resort, it may be necessary to relieve pain and prevent further damage. Also, the cost of emergency tooth extraction in London can be anywhere from £100-£400. So, if you are experiencing a dental emergency, it's important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

So, if you are in need of an emergency tooth extraction in London, contact Emergency Dentist - Dental Clinic and Implant Centre. They are a reputable and professional dental clinic that can help you with all of your dental needs. They will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of treatment. And, they can also provide you with a consultation to discuss your options.